Marxist Left Review #21

Marxist Left Review #21

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Issue 21 — Summer 2021

Pandemic politics: 2020 in hindsight, and a perspective on 2021

Omar Hassan analyses the economic, political and social dynamics unleashed by the pandemic.

Celebrating the Paris Commune of 1871: “Glorious harbinger of a new society”

Marxist historian Sandra Bloodworth commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Commune, retelling the breathtaking events as well as providing an assessment of their political significance.

Capitalism, colonialism and class: A Marxist explanation of Indigenous oppression today

Jordan Humphreys offers a Marxist explanation of Indigenous oppression today.

Between syndicalism and reformism: Founding the Communist Party of Australia

Mick Armstrong surveys the many debates that emerged during the founding of the CPA, drawing out lessons for contemporary revolutionaries.

Economic crises are unavoidable under capitalism

Rick Kuhn explores the debates about crisis theory among Marxist economists, focusing in particular on the work of Henryk Grossman.

From rising tide to Govett's Leap: The socialist life of Gordon Childe

Terry Irving looks at the life of Vere Gordon Childe, and explores the reasons for his suicide.

Review: The real history of WWI

Ryan Stanton reviews Alan Wood's recent book, a Marxist analysis of World War I.

Review: Radical Australian trade unionism

Diane Fieldes reviews Sam Oldham's book about radical Australian trade unionism in the 1970s.

Review: The making of Australia's security state

Emma Norton reviews Brian Toohey's book about the making of Australia’s security state.

Review: Victor Serge's final words

Ian Birchall reviews the final Notebooks of Victor Serge, written between 1936 and 1947.

Unions under fire: The wheeling and dealing behind Porter's omnibus bill

Socialist Alternative's industrial organiser, Jerome Small assesses the attacks coming thick and fast from bosses and the government, and the inadequate response of the unions so far.