As a large and complex organization, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, or AMWU, can trace its origins to the earliest years of Australian trade unionism. This book presents the achievements of the union since the 1850s, yet does not shy away from challenges to that history or from controversies past and present. The book details the industrial influence of the AMWU since the middle of the 19th century, discussing the importance of union banners and their place in industrial and political campaigning, and relating stories of memorable people, movements, and campaigns. It also stresses the significance of the shorter hours movement of the 1970s and 80s. Australia Reconstructed, one of the most important - and neglected - union documents of the late 20th century, is revisited. Additionally, the politics of union amalgamation are analyzed, and the continuing pressures on women as union delegates and leaders are revealed. The book draws out the rich human flavor of the AMWU and suggests its deep and complex connections with the Australian society of which it is part.