The crucial texts of Marx's later years - notably The Civil War in France and Critique of the Gotha Programme - are among his most important works. As well as his searching analysis of the tragic but inspiring failure of the Paris Commune, this volume includes essays on German unification, the Irish question, the Polish national movement and the possibility of revolution in Russia. The founding documents of the First International, and his polemical pieces attacking the disciples of Proudhon and Bakunin and the advocates of reformism, reveal a tactical mastery that has influenced revolutionary movements ever since.
KARL MARX was not only the great theorist of capitalism; he was above all else a revolutionary. In Paris in 1844 he made the connection between radical philosophy and the proletariat that would guide his future work, first with the Communist League and later with the International Workingmen's Association. Marx's Political Writings display a profound understanding of history and politics that is still relevant to the very different conditions of today.