This is the second volume of Ted Grant's Writings, which covers the period from 1943 to the end of the Second World War in 1945, when he was involved in establishing the genuine forces of Trotskyism in Britain. As editor of the Socialist Appeal and political secretary of the Workers' International League, he became the principal theoretician of the British Trotskyist movement and drafted its main documents and resolutions throughout this period. Ted's participation in the revolutionary movement was to span a period from 1928, when he was introduced to Marxism, through to his death in 2006. For all those who knew him, he was a truly remarkable and inspiring figure. The articles and documents contained in this second volume of his Writings coincided with the emergence of WIL as one of the most successful Trotskyist groups in the world. In 1944 it fused with the remains of the old Revolutionary Socialist League to form the Revolutionary Communist Party, and was recognised as the official